How to Market Your Small Business with Limited Budget: Free or Low-Cost Marketing Strategies
As a small business owner, your passion lies in running your business. But how do you work on growing your business? If you’re lucky enough to have word of mouth traffic, then you’ve hit the holy grail of marketing a business. But for the majority, it takes some time and budget to reach new audiences […]
Social Media Marketing Tips for Small Business: How Much Should You Spend on Ads?
In case you missed it, step one was deciding what level of consistency you can dedicate to your social media marketing presence. If you’ve started posting weekly (or even more), congratulations! Now, how do you reach a broader audience? Before you think about specific social media marketing ideas for small business, let’s acknowledge the truth: […]
3 Steps to Get Your Small Business on Social Media
You’re going to read tons of articles and blogs about exploring your audience, creating a content calendar, and hashtags (don’t forget those hashtags!). These are great and very important to a marketing strategy. But you’re a small business owner, time is valuable and you’re simply trying to get your marketing efforts off the ground. The […]
5 Considerations for Naming Your Company
It’s one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when building your business: the company name. The name of a small business is the first piece of information a prospective customer will have about the business. Naming your company should not be left up to the flip of a coin or an idea that comes after […]